Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous

Too Young for Alcoholics Anonymous?

No one is too young to have trouble with alcohol. Alcoholism is an illness that affects people of all ages, the rich, the poor, men and women. It doesn’t matter how long, or how much you drink. When your life seems to be going nowhere, or it feels out of control and you think drinking might have something to do with it, it usually does.

Reprinted from Too Young?… p. 2, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

If drinking is causing you trouble, and you want to stop but can’t seem to do it on your own, give Alcoholics Anonymous a try — try it for 90 days, and if your life doesn’t get better, at least you’ll better understand your options. All of us felt strange about going to A.A. But we now see that A.A. saved our lives — and is the best thing that ever happened to us. We also now know that there are many members who are our age — in fact, approximately 10% of A.A. members are under the age of 30.

Reprinted from Young People and A.A. p. 5, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

25 and Under

A.A. Meetings With Young People

You can find young people at just about any A.A. meeting you attend. Some members say that going to a number of different meetings is the best way to find a meeting you really like. Here’s a list of meetings some younger members regularly attend.

California & International Young People In A.A. Events

ACYPAA – All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous

  • 52nd ACYPAA Round-up! | Santa Cruz, CA, Feb 6 – 9, 2025

In 1973, the All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (ACYPAA) Round-Up was established as an annual gathering in California to provide an opportunity for young AA’s to come together and share their experience, strength, and hope.


ICYPAA – International Conference of Young People in A.A.

  • 65th ICYPAA Conference! | Minneapolis, MN – August 28 – 31, 2025

The International Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (ICYPAA) was founded for the purpose of providing a setting for an annual celebration of sobriety among young people in AA.