Service Opportunities
A.A.’s Legacy of Service
Our Twelfth Step—carrying the message—is the basic service that the A.A. Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, A.A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die. Bill W. – 1951
Reprinted from The A.A. Service manual, pg S1, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
Intergroup Representatives (IGR)
Each group is asked to send a group representative (IGR) to our monthly meeting. The IGR's reflect the groups’ conscience in the central office operations.
It is extremely important to keep a two-way flow of information going between the central office and groups.
Virtual Meeting
Second Tuesday Monthly – 7:00 PM
Zoom ID: 856 9515 9821
Password: 32755
Central Office Volunteer
We need people to answer the phones when someone reaches out for help. This is generally a four hour commitment (either 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM or 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM) one day per week.
We currently need a few people to fill in for these positions once in a while. Call or come by and let’s talk!
Central Office
546 Hartnell Street, Suite E
Intergroup Steering Committee
The steering committee conducts the routine business of the Intergroup based upon our Bylaws and the policies and procedures established at the IGR meetings. The Steering Committee reports to the IGR's on intergroup office issues and accomplishments.
Sobriety Requirement: One or two years depending on position. Term: One year
Meets First Tuesday Monthly – 6:00 PM
Central Office
546 Hartnell Street, Suite E
Public Information (PI/CPC)
Members of the Public Information & Cooperation with the Professional Community (PI/CPC) committee inform the public and professionals about A.A.— what we are, where we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do. They attempt to establish better communication between A.A.s and professionals, and to find simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating.
No Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Contact The Public Info Committee >General Service Rep’s (GSR)
A General Service Representative is your home group's link to A.A. as a whole. This allows the group conscience to become part of "the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship."
Sobriety Requirement: Two or three years suggested. Term: Two years
Meets Third Tuesday Monthly - 7:00 PM
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
800 Cass Street
Sponsor an AA Member in Prison
There's a vital need for A.A. members from the outside to sponsor A.A. members in prison. Your anonymity is protected and you can help another member from the security and convenience of your home.
• Minimum five years of sobriety
• Solid sponsorship experience
• Knowledge of A.A. Steps & Traditions
• Willing to anonymously correspond (in-person visiting also available)
Email for Info: CTF.IVSS@GMAIL.COM
View Flyer >Bridging the Gap
This is a General Service sub-committee supporting the important first step for alcoholics who have just been released from a hospital, treatment center or correctional facility. We provide temporary contact to help newcomers make the transition to A.A.
How It Works: Members of A.A.‚ usually in pairs‚ meet the patients or inmates after release and accompany them to their first A.A. meeting. Contact Bridging the Gap by email at:
No Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Learn More >Hospitals and Institutions (H & I)
We take Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to confined alcoholics.
Sobriety requirement: Six months and a working knowledge of the 12 Steps.
Virtual Meeting
First Thursday Monthly – 7:00 PM
Orientation for new volunteers - 6:30 PM
Zoom ID: 991 7444 9270
Password: 986347
Intergroup Birthday Meeting
Is your group willing to host one of the monthly birthday meetings?
Meets Last Saturday Monthly - 7:00 PM
Monterey High School Cafeteria
101 Hermann Drive (Herman Drive at Larkin)