MBAIAA Newsletter – September 2024

Published on October 8, 2024

Step 9 – “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.”

“After we have made the list of people we have harmed, have reflected carefully upon each instance, and have tried to possess ourselves of the right attitude in which to proceed, we will see that the making of direct amends divides those we should approach into several classes. There will be those who ought to be dealt with just as soon as we become reasonably confident that we can maintain our sobriety. There will be those to whom we can make only partial restitution, lest complete disclosures do them or others more harm than good. There will be other cases where action ought to be deferred, and still others in which by the very nature of the situation we shall never be able to make direct personal contact at all.”

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions – Page 83

What’s Happening Locally

We had a Birthday Meeting on the 28th

We skipped last month’s meeting to accommodate the meeting for the MBAR Conference, so we were happy to get together and celebrate!  There were many people there, and there was lots of experience, strength and hope to be had!  A very lovely and successful Meeting.

Dog Show

On Saturday, October 19th we will have our 4th annual Dog Show! We will gather at Oak Newton Park for a meeting at 11:00 and then, after that, we will celebrate with hot dogs and festivities. Dog festivities will follow, with a ribbon for all dogs and their owners! Come on down and meet all the dogs that belong to our fellowship! –  It’s a great way to get to know everybody. We will pass a basket to collect funds to support Alcoholics Anonymous.  Hot Dogs and treats will be served and a photographer will be on hand to take photos.  We’ll have the dog show and awards to be given to all dogs :).

News From General Service

The Plain Language Big Book will be available for sale in November and will cost $11.  The Plain Language Big Book is a modern language translation of the first 164 pages of the Big Book and is
a companion-to, not a replacement-for the AA Big Book. General Service will host a Plain Language Big Book Launch Party on December 4th at 7:00pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 800 Cass Street in Monterey.

The International Convention will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on July 3-6, 2025 and the theme is Language of the Heart. Registration begins September 2024 $160 and
will increase right before the convention to $185. Hotel reservations can only be made after you have registered.

General Service elections for service positions will be held at our November 19 at 7:00pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 800 Cass Street in Monterey. If you are interested in learning more about General Service please attend

With Best Regards,


IGR Minutes & Current Financial Reports

A Note From Central Office

Autumnal greetings!

This is a little late but, as they say, “Better Late than Never.”  There is much going on here in the office.  We are preparing for the fourth annual Dog Show! It will be a celebration to ring in the Fall and to lead off a celebration of Gratitude in November. We always mark November as the month that we show our Gratitude by giving what we can to help our fellowship.
Be sure to stop in and say hello if you have a minute…

Thank you!


Look after and support each other and remember that we can’t stay sober alone. Share with others what was so freely given to you.

“Nothing is so bad that a drink won’t make it worse.”
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