MBAIAA Newsletter – August 2024

Published on August 28, 2024

Step 8 – “Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.”

“This is a very large order. It is a task which we nay may perform with increasing skill, but never really finish. Learning how to live in the greatest peace, partnership, and brotherhood with all men and women, of whatever description, is a moving and fascinating adventure. Every A.A. has found that he can make little headway in this new adventure of living until he first backtracks and really makes an accurate and unsparing survey of the human wreckage he has left in his wake. To a degree, he has already done this when taking a moral inventory, but now the time has come when he ought to redouble his efforts to see how many people he has hurt, and in what ways. This Reopening of emotional wounds, some old, some perhaps forgotten, and some still painfully festering, will at first look like a purposeless and pointless piece of surgery. But if a willing start is made, then the great advantages of doing this will be so quickly that the pain will be lessened as one obstacle after another melts away.”

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions – Page 77 – 78

What’s Happening Locally

Important: There Will Be No Monthly Intergroup Birthday Meeting in August.

The Steering Committee Voted to Support the MBAR conference which is taking place at the same time that the birthday meeting usually happens.  The Birthday Meeting will resume in September.  The Mighty Muffins from Carmel Valley will be our host.  They traditionally have a solid meeting with a good speaker that has experience, strength, and hope to spare.

Please come and support the fellowship!  You’re encouraged you to celebrate in whatever way makes you comfortable – wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, hug, don’t hug.  No judging of others who may or may not do things the way you would like them to.  Kindness, love and celebration will be the order of the day.  Wear a costume if you’d like!  We will have cake & coffee and there will be much to celebrate – TOGETHER!

The monthly birthday meeting is held on the last Saturday of each month (except for December when the meeting is held along with a holiday banquet ).  The first part of the meeting includes a presentation of birthday medallions for those celebrating annual A.A. anniversaries – all are invited to participate.  Birthdays are followed by an A.A. speaker who shares for 40 to 45 minutes and the meeting ends about 8:30pm.  Coffee is typically ready no later than 6:30pm.  Arrive early for good parking, fellowship, and a great seat!

MBAR – Monterey Bay Are Roundup

The big event this month is MBAR to be held over Labor Day weekend!  The first meeting is this Friday night on Zoom.  Saturday will be full of activities!  Please check for all the details.

Annual Pet Show

In October we will have our Annual Pet Show in the Park!  It will be held at Oak Newton Park on October 19th – we’ll start around 11:00AM.   We’ll be honoring our Furry Friends with a day made just for them.  There will be ribbons & medals for the puppies as well as hot dogs & snacks for the folks they bring along :).  Please… Bring friends to celebrate the season of fellowship and good cheer.  Be there or be square!

News From General Service

This month I attended the ACM and the Summer Assembly.  At the beginning of both meetings the Area Chair Chitra gave her report and I am always inspired by her words. S he speaks about the spiritual aspect of GS and how she is applying the steps and spiritual principals to her service commitment.

Our District will host an AA Trivia game on Sunday September 1 at 4:00pm.  Jessica will be the MC and everyone will get a prize.  Please come and support this event and help greet, set up, play the game and remember to make this announcement to your groups.  The fantastic flyer made by Samantha has been emailed to everyone.

Plane language Big Book will be available for sale November and will cost $11.  The book will be available at Central office.

The International Convention will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on July 3-6, 2025.  Registration begins September 10, 2024 $160 and will increase right before the convention to $185.  Hotel reservations can only be made after you have registered.  Please announce this to your groups and bring the flyer to your meetings.

In Love & Service,


IGR Minutes & Current Financial Reports

A Note From Central Office

Summer Greetings!

We are preparing for the big MBAR event, which we are in no way involved with, but looking forward to! 🙂  The chairman of this big event is Chris T.  She is doing the tough work of organizing all the people it takes to put this fine event together.  It’s sure to be fantastic gathering that will inspire us all…  See you all there!  For more information and all the details, please visit

There is a great deal of exciting stuff going on!  Day to day we would like to see more visitors to our shiny new office, come by and check out all of the books and pamphlets that we have to offer.
We are planning the Dog Show for October 19th at Oak Newton Park.  We also have Gratitude Month in November when we are able to show the tremendous amount of Gratitude that we feel for this wonderful program and send what we can into the office to continue our important work.  We will be on to the holidays after that and there will be a nice Holliday Celebration to celebrate our togetherness with a banquet on December 28th which will also function as our gratitude-filled birthday meeting.  We will get started at 5:30 pm.

Thanks so much for your continuing support.

Thank you!


Look after and support each other and remember that we can’t stay sober alone. Share with others what was so freely given to you.

“Nothing is so bad that a drink won’t make it worse.”
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